Senior Officer, Sustainability Community MIT Solve
Dr. Alexander Dale is the Lead for MIT Solve’s Sustainability and US Communities. He oversees Solve’s annual Challenges on climate, food, energy, and infrastructure, along with Solve’s equity-focused US work, including the ongoing Indigenous Communities Fellowship and 2021’s Antiracist Technology Challenge. He has an academic background in the life-cycle impacts of energy and water infrastructure, and a professional background in environmental policy, engineering education, and nonprofit management.
Alexander has held previous roles as the Executive Director of Engineers for a Sustainable World and as a AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow hosted by the US EPA’s Transportation and Climate Division. He has taught courses in social entrepreneurship, energy & science communication, and technical sustainability. Outside of work, he reads a lot of science fiction, volunteers for better transit systems, and helps his preschool daughter explore the world.
Alexander was born in Massachusetts and raised in Pennsylvania. He has a Ph.D. in Civil & Environmental Engineering and a B.S.E. in Engineering Physics, both from the University of Pittsburgh.