Steve Voien
VoienConsulting principal Steve Voien is a sustainability communicator and strategist who has advised 15 Fortune 500 companies and worked on 8 CR reports. A GRI certified trainer, Steve led CR practices for Edelman and Waggener Edstrom, spent 5 years at Business for Social Responsibility, and served 6 years as a U.S. diplomat overseas in developing countries. Steve has also published a pair of political-environmental novels to excellent reviews in The New York Times and People Magazine, and on National Public Radio. VoienConsulting clients benefit from seamlessly integrated sustainability knowledge, project implementation, and credible, compelling transparency communications. Steve's clients have included BP, Ford, Caesars, IFC/World Bank, Kraft, Marathon Oil, Merck, Nissan, Oracle, Philip Morris (now Altria), Salesforce.com, Southern Company, and USAID. Steve launched and led sustainability practices at two large communications firms. At the nonprofit Business for Social Responsibility, he led consulting projects and served as director of the Global Resource Center, which provided research and analysis of of CSR best practices. Steve also served six years as a U.S. diplomat with political/economic, environmental, human rights, and community development responsibilities in West Africa, the Balkans, and Washington, D.C. Steve has led/written/edited and created visibility for 8 sustainability reports. For a recent example of a report Steve led and wrote, see Caesars Entertainment Sustainability Report 2011-2012. Steve has written a number of articles, most recently Ending the Alphabet Soup in the [insert term here] Field for GreenBiz, and 11 CR Reporting Tips for Reputationally Challenged Companies for Sustainable Life Media. VoienConsulting Client Projects include: develop sustainability communications strategy provide research, analysis and recommendations on CR issues articulate sustainability vision and values lead and co-lead successful stakeholder engagement initiatives, including one for an industry-leading consumer products company, and another for a large automaker facing a tough environmental coalition that included Sierra Club, Rainforest Action Network, and Global Exchange lead sustainability & business ethics training create developed transparent, credible marketing communications around sustainability issues, in formats that include press releases, executive speeches, brochures, survey responses, award applications, internal communications and FAQs
Where Are All The Energy Star Slot Machines?
Why has the U.S. gaming industry -- a $32 billion dollar sector -- been ignored by sustainability ranking and assessment organizations? Read More