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Labor, Management Must Work Toward Sustainability
There is ample evidence to prove that where there is an honest union-management partnership, productivity and product quality increase. That applies to efforts in sustainability as well. By Morton Bahr. Read More
Famed Labor Lawyer Ted Kheel on Sustainable Development
Theodore W. Kheel is an authentic giant of public life in the United States, the best known labor relations lawyer and mediator of his time, and the man behind dozens of philanthropic ventures. He is also a driving force for sustainable development. By Pranay Gupte. Read More
UK Firms Lead in Socially Responsible Investment Index
FTSE, a leading financial index calculation specialist, has named the companies to be listed in the new ethical investment index, revealing that a greater percentage of UK companies qualify for inclusion in the index than from any other country. Read More
'Miracle Plant' Could Grow on Paper Industry
The fibers of a desert plant grown by University of Arizona scientists could someday revolutionize the paper industry, cut water use and provide a viable crop alternative for Arizona's farmers. Read More
ADM, P&G In Joint Venture on Bio-based Products
Archer Daniels Midland and P&G Chemicals, a business unit of Procter & Gamble, have announced the formation of a Technology Council to explore opportunities that will lead to the development of innovative, natural-based products. This is the first joint project between ADM and P&G Chemicals. Read More
Progress For Pollution-Free Pig Farm in Indiana
An Indiana farm is the showcase for a new method of treating pig waste, which leaves virtually no trace of pollution or odor and costs less than current methods both to install and run. Read More
E-waste Recycling Could Mean Millions in Profit
More than 6,000 computers go to waste every day in California, according to a new study prepared by a coalition of industry groups under sponsorship of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Cleaning up computer and electronic waste could cost industry as much as $232 million, or generate as much as a $36 million profit, depending on what solutions are chosen, the report found. Read More
John Elkington: Ready, Willing, and Sustainable
John Elkington is quiet and soft-spoken; his message, however, is immensely powerful and direct. His aim? To lay bare the nature, scale and implications of the biggest, most far-reaching experiment underway on Earth. By Katie Sosnowchik. Read More
Turn Soy Oil Into Industrial-Grade Plastic?
Turning soy oil into industrial grade plastic? Call it food for thought, says University of Delaware chemical engineering professor Richard P. Wool, who discussed his research during a recent presentation at the Royal Academy in Dublin, Ireland. Read More
Developing Business Opportunities Systematically
Environment-related enterprise is virtually limitless, but mining opportunities takes creativity. Here are some leads to help you meet your goals. By Jacquelyn Ottman Read More