2009 Energy Efficiency Indicator: Report

Johnson Controls Inc. and the International Facility Management Association have released results of their third annual survey of how business leaders view energy efficiency in their buildings — what’s been done to improve it and whether they plan to do more in the coming months.
Survey results this year reflect the challenges and constraints that the troubled economy has imposed on operation and investment decisions related to buildings in North America: While interest and enthusiasm for energy efficiency remain high, actions and investments to improve buildings have lagged.
Despite that trend, JCI and IFMA pointed to successful largescale efficiency projects at New York’s historic Empire State Building, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee and the Manpower Inc. headquarters.
The research sponsors as well as representatives for the Oak Ridge lab and the Empire State Building also expressed optimism that both action and investments in energy efficiency initiatives will rebound in the next 18 months.
Highlights of the three efficiency projects were included in the presentation made today that summarized the research findings. The slideshow of the presentation is available as a PDF that can be downloaded by clicking here.
A PDF of the executive summary and other resources based on the 2009 survey can also be found on the Johnson Controls website by clicking here or going to http://www.johnsoncontrols.com/publish/us/en/news.html.
The material includes the full 2008 Energy Efficiency Indicator Report for comparison.