Accenture’s Data Center Energy Forecast Report 2008

Presented at the Data Center Energy Summit 2008, this consolidated report is the first of its kind to evaluate the EPA’s data center energy growth scenarios using the real results of energy savings as measured from the case studies from industry leaders.
In 2007 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published its Report to Congress on Server Data Center Energy Efficiency (EPA Report)1. In response many companies implemented data center energy saving initiatives. This report recounts a number of these efforts and their results, particularly how much energy they were able to save and what it took to implement the initiatives. This report:
• Re-computes energy projections from the EPA Report (this report bases analysis on measured results when available instead of relying only on estimates)
• Presents a side-by-side comparison of energy savings achieved by the case studies
• Defines and analyzes a scenario consisting of the combined initiatives documented in this report.
These findings may help accelerate the adoption of energy saving technology in data centers; specifically they should help:
• Data center operators make better-informed decisions on the effec- tiveness of energy saving initiatives
• Guide policymakers on potential regulation and certification by demonstrating achievable results
• Educate the public on the impact of data centers on energy use and on how data centers can save energy by implementing technology and applying leading practices.
More details about the report are online at