Benchmarking Air Emissions of the 100 Largest Electric Power Producers in the United States

This report ranks the nation’s 100 largest power producers on four pollutants: carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and mercury, all of which are linked to environmental and public health issues.
The NRDC, Ceres, Constellation Energy, Entergy Corp. and the Public Service Enterprise Group produced the report, which is aimed at helping investors weigh the air pollution-related business risks of utilities in their portfolio.
At the same time, the report can be used to help companies compare their performance to their peers, and inform policymakers charged with addressing emissions challenges.
From the report:
Several issues and trends are influencing investment decisions in the U.S. electric power sector, including trends in fuel prices, technology developments, and environmental regulations. This report discusses trends in natural gas supply and prices, as well as trends in coal- and oil-fired power plant retirements. The report also examines renewable energy developments in the U.S., including wind and solar, and trends in energy; efficiency investments and programs.
The report also highlights numerous regulations related to air quality and climate change that are facing the electric generating sector. As these regulatory programs evolve, they will have a significant impact on electric generation in the U.S. by driving investment in lower-carbon technologies and forcing inefficient plants into retirement. In addition, the report discusses the basic structure of the U.S. electric power sector and emissions associated with delivered electricity. This analysis is intended to help inform policy and educate investors and companies on the key issues associated with the electric power industry.