Business Cleaning Sustainability Study

In this study, Procter & Gamble Professional gauges the perception, attitudes and behaviors regarding environmental responsibility among almost 430 professionals with decision-making authority over cleaning-related purchases in the lodging, foodservice, healthcare and commercial cleaning industries.
The study conducted on behalf of P&G by Ipsos Public Affairs found that while 9 of 10 decision-makers surveyed said that environmental responsibility and sustainability issues are important for their businesses, their top considerations in making cleaning-related purchases are performance (62 percent), price (51 percent) and ease of use (21 percent). Environmental impact was No. 4 on the list at 20 percent.
Survey results also detail the responses to several other questions including:
- How much of the cleaning products purchased and used by companies are green?
- What motivates green cleaning product purchases?
- Which eco labels and certifying organizations are the most trusted?
In addition, researchers compare the responses from decision-makers among the four industries.
A copy of the report and accompanying material is available for free download from the sustainability section of Procter & Gamble Professional, coverage of the study is available here.
Image courtesy of Procter & Gamble Professional.