Canadian Pulp and Paper Industry Commitment to Emissions Reduction
In 2003, the Canadian pulp and paper industry signed a climate change Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that outlines how the industry will reduce its GHG emissions reduction. The MoU marked the first official collaboration between the Canadian government and industry to meet GHG emissions targets set by Canada under the Kyoto Protocol. The paper industry committed to a GHG emissions reduction by an average of 15% between 2008 and 2012, the first Kyoto commitment period.
The MoU is comprehensive in scope and covers pulp production, newsprint, paperboard and other paper products companies and sets out climate change Guiding Principles consistent with national principles set forth in the government’s Climate Change Plan for Canada. The agreement covers:
- Emissions reductions during the first Kyoto phase
- Assessment programs to measure performance of industry leaders
- Energy alternatives: ways the industry can use low-emissions energy sources like
- Biomass and combined heat power
- Incentives to use and develop carbon-reducing technology
- Policy framework that recognizes the long-term benefits of climate change reduction
The plan also creates a compliance system that is flexible and includes emissions permit trading, forest “sinks” and forest management, and production activity.