CDP Water Disclosure Global Report 2011

In 2011 some of the worst droughts in decades have hit regions in China, East Africa, the Middle East and the United States. Destructive flooding currently inundates Thailand and earlier this year the prolonged drought in Queensland, Australia was alleviated by 1-in-100 year floods.
In this changing global environment, it is essential for global businesses to address the importance of water as a critical resource if the global economy is to become resilient to the water-related impacts from which it is already suffering.
Selected companies from the FTSE Global Equity Index Series (Global 500) and this year for the first time, from the Australian Securities Exchange (Australia 100) and the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (South Africa 100) were invited to respond to the second annual CDP Water Disclosure information request because they operate in sectors which are water-intensive or exposed to water-related risks.
This year the response rate amongst the Global 500 increased to 60 percent from 50 percent in 2010, representing 190 out of 315 companies which were sent the questionnaire. Response rates from the Australia 100 (41 percent, 22 out of 54) and South Africa 100 (46 percent, 26 out of 56) were strong for their first year.