Choose Green Report: Copy Paper
January/February 2000
Leave it to Green Seal to open a fresh new page on paper products. Rather than yet another soliloquy on recycling, this report explores air, water, land, and energy issues involved in the life-cycle of pulp and paper. In the course of this “science lesson,” pupils will pick up some startling facts. For example, one researcher estimates that if copy paper use in the U.S. were reduced by 10%, not only would it save half-a-million tons of paper, but also enough energy to supply electricity to all the homes in California for almost twelve years. As for the reams of paper that will continue to be used in photocopiers, printers, and fax machines, Green Seal makes recommendations on more than 30 products, based on paper weight, brightness, post-consumer and total recycled-content, whether the paper is acid-free, whether elemental chlorine or chlorine derivatives were used, and what office equipment is compatible. Phone numbers of 16 manufacturers are included.