Curve Ahead: The Future of Commercial Fleet Electrification

Commercial fleets are making the transition to a clean energy future and fleet electrification is leading the way. This shift is driven by various factors, including a technology and market evolution, renewed attention on global climate risks and the improving economics based on a more favorable total cost of ownership.
UPS joined with GreenBiz on a primary research project to better understand the transition toward commercial fleet electrification, including barriers, motivators and strategies for accelerating the market. The “Curve Ahead: The Future of Commercial Fleet Electrification” report summarizes the findings resulting from a detailed web survey and phone interviews with industry leaders and experts on fleets, facilities, energy, sustainability, and transportation.
Download the report to see what we uncovered about the current state of vehicle technology, charging infrastructure and global policy implications on the commercial fleet electrification market. You’ll also find insights on where fleet electrification offers a practical solution, and how to navigate the path to executive buy-in.