Eco-promising: Communicating the Environmental Credentials of your Products and Services
The growth of green labels on products and companies of all kinds can
be seen as a positive step, an increasing awareness and concern about
the environment among businesses and consumers alike. But with this
growth has come confusion and a lack of trust among shoppers who are
suddenly inundated with similar-looking options for “green” products.
Aiming to focus companies’ efforts on backing up the environmental claims of products is the goal of a report just released by Business for Social Responsibility and Forum for the Future.
The report, entitled “Eco-promising: communicating the environmental
credentials of your products and services,” offers a look at the past,
present and future of green labeling schemes, and suggests ways that
companies can live up to the green promises .
The report answers the questions of why companies should communicate
the benefits of their products as well as laying out a how-to for
companies just starting out.
Among the benefits of eco-promises, according to the report, are
growing the sales of products, enhancing a company’s reputation,
improving how it addresses risk and embraces opportunities, and shaping
existing or upcoming regulations that might affect a company’s products.