Ecological Benefits Assessment Strategic Plan
The Ecological Benefits Assessment Strategic
Plan was developed to guide future research and institutional actions
for improving ecological benefits assessments conducted by the Agency.
The goal of an ecological benefits assessment is to estimate the
benefits of an environmental policy, and when appropriate, estimate the
value to society in monetary terms. This facilitates comparisons among
policy alternatives to support decision-making. In practice however,
ecological benefits are difficult to evaluate. Several factors
contribute to this challenge, including limited understanding of: (1)
The linkages among policies, stressors, and ecosystem services; (2) the
linkages within and between ecosystems; and (3) the linkages between
ecological and economic systems. EPA developed the Ecological Benefits
Assessment Strategic Plan to improve our understanding of these linkages.
The Ecological Benefits Assessment Strategic Plan was authored by a
cross-Agency workgroup under the general direction of a steering
committee representing offices involved with ecological benefits