Environmental Internships
Nick D’Amato of Ubiquity Environmental Careers Page offers some helpful tips.
I have provided some links
below in no particular order. Not every internship makes it onto a big
list. It is often a good idea to call individual companies or check
their web page for information on internships. Most colleges and
universities also maintain internship and Co-Op pages. You can also use
this form to ask questions and give suggestions. Note: Intern page URL’s move often!
I can no longer keep up with all the changes. In some cases I have
linked to the homepage. You’ll have to do some creative surfing.
Thanks. To keep current on internship links, join EnviroJobs e-mail discussion group.
Internship Links
- Internship Programs.com– Big database, but it is not environment-specific.
- U.S. EPA Job Page
- Student Conservation Association– Probably one of the best for natural resources.
- AmeriCorps
- Isle of Shoals– Concentration in marine/recreation.
- Blue Ocean Society– Concentration in marine biology.
- Alaska Conservation Foundation
- Marine Conservation Biology Internships
- National Center for Environmental Decision-making Research (NCEDR)– Good for Environmental Policy Majors.
- Internship American Forests
- National Wildlife Visitor Center Internships
- Job Web
- GlobalRoutes Teaching Internships
- Northwest Environment Watch
- Atlantic Center for the Environment
- Little Traverse Conservancy
- ECO’s Internship Page– Big list, divided by region.
- Center for Disease Control Job Page– Includes job openings for ATSR, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, they hire often, including interns.
- Water Resource Employment Opportunities– Database of jobs related to water quality and resource management.
- Co-Op America
- Land Trust Alliance
- Marine Laboratory, FL– Best to apply by Feb. 1 for summer positions.
- InfoRain.org– Positions in Pacific NW Rainforest.
- Yale University’s List of Internships
- Wolf Hollow Wildlife Rehab Center
- Macon County Conservation District, IL
- Raptor Center Internships
- Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
- Wolf Ridge Student Naturalist Training Program in Environmental Education
Sustainability Internships
- Rocky Mountain Institute
- Renew America
- Sustainable Development Job Bank
- Positive Futures Network
- Inform Inc.– Excellent experience, always hiring.
- Aprovecho Research Center
- Renewable Energy Internships
- Carter Center– Good policy positions.
- Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA)– Sustainable agriculture internships.
Canadian Internships
Unpaid or Stipend Internships
H=Housing Provided F=Food Provided T=Transportation Provided $= Expense Stipend Provided (if known)
Miscellaneous and International
- Sustainable Development Networking Programme– India, Canada, U.S., International.
- Russian and Eastern European Internships
- U.S.A. Jobs– This is the central site for U.S. Government Jobs. It is pretty huge so you will have to surf for internships.
- EnviroNetwork
- Public Interest Research Group (PIRG)– Has some good internships but most involve canvassing and fundraising. Read the descriptions carefully.