The Forest Carbon Offsetting Report 2010

This report from EcoSecurities surveyed global corporations about how and where they plan to invest in carbon offset projects from forestry.
The report, which focuses on corporations’ attitudes towards carbon offsets from forestry projects, found positive attitudes toward forest offset projects from 80 percent of respondents, up from 58 percent in 2009.
Among the other findings of the report, which is based on in-depth responses from over 200 organizations from around the globe:
• In particular, the most significant change in attitude was from Europe where 84 percent of participants claim to have a ‘positive’ or ‘very positive’ attitude compared to 36 percent in 2009;
• Participants highlighted the most important factor when purchasing forest carbon offsets are carbon standards (89 percent), closely followed by project location (84 percent), project type (80 percent) and the projects’ ability to generate additional community and biodiversity benefits (83 percent & 77 percent respectively);
• Reforestation with native species (89 percent) and avoided deforestation (78 percent) were rated the most desirable types of forestry project;
• South America (74 percent) was the most sought-after region from which to purchase forest carbon credits;
• The Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) and Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB) Standards were the two most popular carbon standards (73 percent and 64 percent respectively).
To download the full report for free, visit