The Green Grid Energy Policy Research For Data Centers

This report from The Green Grid explores how existing and forthcoming legislation is affecting data center operators in Europe, and how IT professionals can prepare and stay ahead of the curve.
From the introduction to the report:
Climate change and fuel security have dramatically risen up the policy agenda, resulting in a comprehensive policy framework at both the European Union (EU) and national levels. The growth of data centres, and their energy intensity, means the industry will be particularly affected by the drive for energy efficiency of product design and building services.
The following summarises just some of the key policies affecting data centres:
• The UK’s Carbon Reduction Commitment will establish a new carbon market from April 2010 and could present the most significant financial risk to the data centre sector;
• European directives for products and buildings are pursuing reductions in greenhouse gases emissions, efficient use of energy, and energy performance labelling.
• There are evolving building codes for energy performance of new and refurbished data centres.
• Evolving planning instruments are requiring greenhouse gases reductions and increases in renewable energy provision.
• Voluntary best practice guidance and monitoring initiatives — led by or with close industry involvement — advocate energy management, reductions, and performance monitoring.
Among the recommendations the guide offers for how to best achieve compliance with the legislation most likely to affect data center managers are:
• All stakeholders should prepare for and manage risks associated with the (UK) Carbon Reduction Commitment.
• Data centre operators should proactively measure and report their energy consumption and drive continuous improvements in hardware, software, and building services
• Data center operators should make full use of available energy efficiency incentives, such as tax reductions and capital allowances.
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