Green Scissors 2010

This report from Friends of the Earth identifies more than $200 billion in wasteful government subsidies that are damaging to the environment and harmful to consumers.
Now more than ever, this campaign in critical — the country faces deficits not seen since World War II. Spending levels continue to rise: from the stimulus to defense, from healthcare to energy. The congressional Budget office (cBo) has forecast a $1.3 trillion deficit for fiscal year 2010.
To get our nation’s spending in check, tough choices will need to be made in many areas, including energy and natural resources. The good news is there are plenty of cuts and reforms that will benefit both the environment and the country’s bottom line. We need to eliminate wasteful programs and policies — they not only cost us upfront, but create additional financial liabilities down the road and threaten our nation’s fragile land, air and water.
We need real leadership now more than ever. The President and Congress must get tough with the special interest groups that are raiding our treasury and jeopardizing our valuable natural resources. it will require tackling some of the richest and most powerful corporations in the country. Yet this is what is needed if we are going to regain fiscal and environmental responsibility and get our spending back on track.