Guide to Environmental Issues
If the U.S. is to succeed in protecting the environment, a commitment from all sectors is necessary. In the words of the U.S EPA, “Environmental protection is most effective when complex connections between all parts of an ecosystem and society are taken into account.” This need is often hard to translate into the business world. What are the major issues that a business might consider when evaluating environmental performance? What are the major laws that protect the environment? And where can a business turn for help in improving environmental performance?
This guide, written by the U.S. EPA in 1996, provides a layperson’s introduction to environmental issues, major environmental laws, and how to improve environmental protection. Learn about the major topics — including pollution prevention, air and radiation, pesticides, solid waste, and community safety — and find an overview of the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and other environmental laws. The guide provides a glossary of terms and acronyms. It also lists U.S. federal and state agencies dedicated to environmental protection, and provides EPA telephone numbers to call for more information. Although it was written primarily for individuals, the guide’s information is relevant to any business taking the initial steps toward improved environmental performance.