The Impacts of Telework Week 2011

This report from Telework Exchange collects data from nearly 40,000 participants in Telework Week 2011, and finds that employees can save billions in commute costs while boosting productivity by working at home two days per week.
From the report:
• Telework Week Snapshot: 39,694 employees teleworked during Telework Week – 10% of participants had never teleworked before; 22% previously teleworked on an ad-hoc basis; and 86% work for the Federal government
• More Productive: Organizations and employees reported increased employee productivity during Telework Week
• More Time & Money: Telework Week participants realized significant savings – gaining approximately 2 hours back into their lives each day spent teleworking, and saving approximately $2,730,229 total. Teleworking 2 days a week is an equivalent to $3,439 annual raise
• More Involved: Managers have turned the corner on telework; 60% of organizations say their management is more open to and encouraging of telework vs. one year ago
• More Telework: If all eligible Feds teleworked 2 days a week for a year, they would avoid driving 5.5 billion miles and save $3.8 billion in commuting costs
Download the full report for free from Telework Exchange.