Kodak Greenhouse Gas Reporting
Eastman Kodak Company is a multinational corporation with manufacturing operations in thirteen countries and a global workforce of more than 50,000 people. Its core businesses include the development and production of digital and traditional imaging systems, including digital cameras, photographic film and paper, imaging chemicals and coatings, health care systems and diagnostics, and graphics communications systems. The company is currently engaged in several programs to reduce its use of energy and its emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Nearly 98% of the company’s emissions of CO2 come from the combustion of fossil fuel, so they are logically the focus of its initiatives.
In 1999, Kodak began a corporate GHG reduction program that cut its emissions by 17% (on an absolute basis) over a five-year period. This successful first attempt at reducing GHG emissions spurred the company to set additional reduction goals and then, in 2004, to join the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency