The Law of Building Green
This paper from attorneys at Stoel Rives is the first edition of a guide to business and legal issues in sustainable building and development. It covers topics ranging from sustainable design to assessing risks and opportunities in green building projects to tax and other incentives to green buildings.
This guide contains a wealth of insights that Stoel Rives has developed on the key topics central to this growing segment of the real estate industry. Some of the essays included in this report are:
- Integrated Design – the Key to Green by Rosemary A. Colliver
- Green Site Development: Land Use, Zoning and Code Compliance Concerns by Michelle Rudd and Elaine R. Albrich
- The Role of Renewable On-Site Generation in Building Green Projects by Stephen C. Hall
- Emerging Markets and Regulatory Structures by Stephen C. Hall and
- Marketing “Green” by Jere M. Webb