Learning from the Korean Green IT Strategy

This report, from the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation, explores the ways that South Korea is embracing green IT strategies, and how the U.S. and other countries can benefit from their experiences.
From the report:
Just as information technology (IT) has contributed significantly to economic growth and quality of life, IT has an important role to play in creating a green economy.
Our world is in the midst of a period of digital transformation where every sector, from health care to energy and from transportation to education, is being fundamentally altered and improved by IT. This period of digital transformation not only entails significant benefits from increases in productivity and quality, but it has the potential to create significant environmental benefits.
Other nations are aggressively pursuing green technology including South Korea, Japan and Denmark. South Korea is poised to become the world leader in green technology, through a wide array of government policies supporting green technology, strong executive leadership and a substantial commitment of public funding for this effort.
If the United States expects to similarly reap these green benefits, it should look to the South Korean example as it develops its own national green IT strategy.