Life Cycle Assessment: A Guide for Sustainability and Strategy Executives

From Green Research:
Leading companies see environmental sustainability not only as an issue of corporate responsibility but as a matter of strategy and an arena of competition. After scoring easy sustainability wins, these companies seek to improve their game with tools that put their sustainability programs on a quantitative, scientific footing. Rising demands from customers and regulators for improved environmental performance and increased transparency are driving a surge in interest life cycle assessment (LCA) as a tool for continuous improvement and innovation and a way of improving environmental performance while avoiding burden shifting and unintended consequences. Green Research believes that aggressive use of life cycle assessment and life cycle thinking will become table stakes at leading companies, and those that aspire to lead, over the next two to five years.
Key questions answered:
- What is life cycle assessment (LCA) and how does it relate to corporate sustainability?
- How will the LCA market and LCA practices develop over the next two to five years?
- How should corporations prepare now to take advantage of LCA?
- Who are the major LCA tool vendors, and how are they differentiated?
- How should companies select an LCA tool?
- Who are the leading LCA consultants and how should companies choose a consultant?
- How should companies build or boost their life cycle thinking capability?