Lighting the Path for Greater Energy Efficiency

Are Americans installing more energy efficient lighting in their homes? What do they like or dislike about CFLs and LEDs compared to traditional bulbs? Do Americans know about the mandate for higher efficiency standards, and do they think that is a good idea?
Strategic marketing agency EcoAlign took the pulse of 1,000 Americans on those issues in a survey conducted in February.
In addition, EcoAlign’s 10th EcoPinion survey asked “What role should utilities play regarding incentives for more widespread use of energy efficient lighting?” The survey also looked at whether significant differences exist between demographic segments.
The research turned up some surprising results. For example, despite an attempt to roll back government policy for the phaseout of inefficient traditional lightbulbs starting in 2012, two‐thirds of Americans feel that retiring old-style incandescent bulbs is a good idea, the survey found.
The report on survey results are can be downloaded for free with registration at