One Trillion Reasons

This report from the Technology CEO Council lays out seven initiatives — from green data centers to paperless offices — that will create tens of billions of dollars a year in savings at the federal level.
From the executive summary of the report:
America’s growing national debt is undermining our global competitiveness. How we choose to confront and address this challenge will determine our future environment for growth and innovation. By adopting commercially proven best practices to maximize operational productivity, government can save over $1 trillion by 2020, while enhancing the services it provides citizens and laying a foundation for future innovation and growth.
This paper offers seven specific initiatives where technology-enabled productivity solutions can make a material difference. We hope these ideas contribute to the important work being undertaken by the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, the President’s Management Advisory Board, the Chief Information Officer and other efficiency initiatives. We look forward to contributing to any and all efforts.