Powering a Sustainable Future
The electricity utilities industry faces an enormous responsibility in the global fight against climate change. Although it provides an essential service to the world, that service can no longer be produced and consumed as it was in the last century. As the industry is currently responsible for 41 percent of global energy-related CO2 emissions, and with projections suggesting that sector emissions might double by 2030, the question of how to meet the increased demand for electricity at an affordable price while effectively contributing to climate change mitigation efforts becomes a crucial challenge.
This report from the WBCSD offers a thorough look at the sustainability challenges posed to the electric utilities sector by global warning. It goes into extensive detail on strategies and principles for utilities and offers case studies and best practices to help guide utilities toward sustainability.
In part, the companies involved in developing this report identified six urgent needs requiring the efforts of all stakeholders:
- 1. Secure investment in infrastructure
2. Get more power to more people
3. Use the resource of end-use efficiency
4. Diversify and decarbonize the fuel mix
5. Accelerate research & development
6. Reinforce and smarten the grids.
The analysis in this report shows that there is enough technological potential to meet the global energy and climate change challenges in the longer term, that all technologies have advantages and drawbacks, and that a portfolio approach is needed.