The Role of Human Resource Management in Corporate Social Responsibility
The objective of this report is to understand the foundational elements that need to be in place to foster a high performance CSR organization and develop a framework or roadmap for firms wishing to become a high performing CSR organization.
Human resource professionals have a key role to play to help a company achieve its CSR objectives. Employee involvement is a critical success factor for CSR performance. Human resource managers have the tools and the opportunity to leverage employee commitment to, and engagement in, the firm’s CSR strategy.
High performing CSR organizations foster a culture of CSR and fully integrate CSR throughout their operations, rewarding and incentivizing CSR decisions and initiatives. Employees prefer to work for organizations aligned with their values; thus, incorporating CSR into the employee brand can enhance recruitment and retention, particularly in tight labor markets.
CSR can be applied to the HR toolkit, resulting in a roadmap or pathway for human resource practitioners to follow who wish to contribute to the achievement of their organization’s sustainability and business aspirations, thereby improving social and environmental conditions locally and globally.
A companion 10-step checklist is also available.