Side-by-Side Comparison of GHG Impacts of HR1 and S336
A new analysis published by Greenpeace found the House of
Representatives’ version of the economic stimulus bill would be more
climate-friendly than the version passed Feb. 10 by the Senate.
The nonprofit hired consulting firm ICF to perform a side-by-side
comparison of the energy efficiency and conservation provisions of the
competing bills, following a closer examination of the House version
that was released last week.
The comparison revealed that the House economic stimulus will reduce
U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by about 59 million metric tons, roughly
12 million metric tons more annually than the 47 million metric tons
cut by the Senate version. The House version will also save taxpayers
and the government nearly $9 billion in utility bills every year —
approximately $3.7 billion more than the $5 billion in savings produced
through the Senate package.