Sustainable Packaging Indicators and Metrics Framework Version 1.0

Publication of the Sustainable Packaging Indicators and Metrics Framework Version 1.0 is the outcome of an 18-month project that the Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC) undertook to develop a set of common indicators and metrics to help companies measure progress against the criteria articulated in the SPC Definition of Sustainable Packaging.
The framework is divided into four sections – Introduction, Understanding Indicators and Metrics, User Guidelines and the Indicators and Metrics Modules. There is a stand-alone module for each of the key criteria of the SPC Definition, specifically material use, energy use, water use, material health, clean production and transport, cost and performance, community impact and worker impact.
Since the Metrics Framework provides a comprehensive palette of indicators and metrics that address the breadth of the SPC Definition, not all of the indicators and metrics are relevant for all organizations, all packaging types or all supply chain functions.
Organizations should select those that are most relevant to their goals and operations.
The User Guidelines section includes a detailed discussion on the selection and use of the indicators and metrics and suggestions for getting started.