Tomorrow’s Value Rating 2011

This report from Two Tomorrows looks at the sustainability performance of 92 companies and assesses how well they’re prepared for a low-carbon future.
Eleven companies are singled out as top performers: Campbell’s, Danone, General Electric, Glaxosmithkline, HP, Intel, Nestlé, Nike, Panasonic, Siemens and Unilever
The report features case studies from the leading firms, as well as six key findings that suggest how any company can move toward the top tier:
- Innovation is the cutting edge of sustainability,
- Leaders consider the whole value chain
- The very best companies are embedding sustainability in core decision-making
- Some companies are just repackaging business as usual, but the leaders address the sticky issues
- Paucity of targets is symptomatic of a lack of direction
The full report is available for free download from Two Tomorrows.