Water, Energy and Climate Change: A contribution from the business community
Water, energy and climate change are inextricably linked. If we truly want to find sustainable solutions, we must ensure that we address all three in a holistic way, according to this report from the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
This paper is only a first step in fitting some of the pieces of that puzzle together. The search for solutions is complicated because water, energy and climate change are each complex. Examining their interrelationship further complicates the discussion but we must if we are to take the next step toward a sustainable society.
The paper lists five important policy recommendations from business to climate negotiators and policy-makers. These are:
— Provide reliable climate change risk data, models and analysis tools.
— Integrate water and energy efficiency in measurement tools and policy.
— Bring water issues into the mainstream, and ensure that water authorities and institutions have staff trained to deliver common management practices, education and awareness raising.
— Integrate and value ecosystem services (the benefits that nature provides to society, such as water and forest products) into cross-border decision-making.
— Encourage best practice through innovation, appropriate solutions and community engagement.
This report also includes 25 case studies of companies are already linking water, energy and climate change across their operations.