C&I Solar Success Story: Black Hills State University in South Dakota

Across the country, schools and learning institutions are implementing ambitious initiatives to reach renewability goals. One such school, Black Hills State University (BHSU), in Spearfish, South Dakota, aims to make its campus powered completely by renewable energy by 2030.
One obstacle many schools face when going solar is finding the right partners. An experienced team of experts and engineers can design a PV system best suited for a school’s energy needs, streamline procurement and optimize project value.
That’s why BHSU, in partnership with solar project developer GenPro Energy Solutions, turned to Trina Solar’s C&I Solutions.
In this C&I use case, Trina’s C&I Solutions Team discusses how their bundled system design of high-quality modules, inverters and racking came together for this project. Completed in June 2020, the school’s PV system is now the first large roof mount behind-the-meter installation in South Dakota.
Download this C&I solar success story for more insight into how Trina Solar’s C&I Solutions and its partners helped bring BHSU’s campus much closer to being 100 percent renewable.