Coal-Fired Solar vs. Ultra Low-Carbon Solar

Investors, consumers and employees are increasingly focused on corporate ESG goals. This newfound attention is a universally positive change, helping prioritize sustainability in businesses large and small. As part of their efforts, many CSOs rely on solar and other renewable energy sources to drive progress on their companies’ sustainability goals.
With increased attention often comes increased scrutiny. Inadvertent mistakes can trigger a backlash for activities that run contrary to sustainable goals. Remember toilet paper made from cutting old growth rainforests?
For solar, similar problems could be waiting around the corner. Companies expanding their use of solar may not know it, but they’re often buying solar panels from supply chains reliant on energy-inefficient factories powered by burning dirty coal. They can proactively guard against this potential reputational hit by deploying Ultra Low-Carbon Solar panels made in supply chains with cleaner energy.
To learn more about how Ultra Low-Carbon Solar can accelerate and protect ESG goals, download “Coal-Fired Solar vs. Ultra Low-Carbon Solar” from the Ultra Low-Carbon Solar Alliance (The Alliance).
Hemlock Semiconductor generously provided this opportunity to the Ultra Low-Carbon Solar Alliance to share their views. The Alliance is solely responsible for the content in this white paper.