In Setting Corporate Climate Goals, Credibility is Key

The ongoing climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges of our lifetime and the corporate call to action is at an all-time high. Limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and avoiding the most catastrophic damage is essential, and corporations are the most influential players.
As an increasing number of companies around the world set corporate climate goals, public skepticism grows–and with it, the need for an increased focus on credibility. The credibility gaps that exist in the market must be addressed in order to realize the emissions reductions that such targets promise. Credible climate goals should contain strategies aligned with science and clear company roadmaps. Goals should be robust, distinctly defined, and backed by data.
Review the four steps your organization can follow to make credible, actionable climate goals in 3Degrees’ white paper, In Setting Corporate Climate Goals, Credibility is Key.