The World of Energy Post-COVID

The World of Energy white paper – GHD surveyed over 8000 consumers across the globe to provide a report and detailed exploration of our survey findings, providing considerations and recommendations for clients. The white paper explores how consumer lifestyle choices and their growing ‘green’ expectations will impact different sectors as we rebuild our economies.
This paper is a call to action for governments and industry. Success depends on our ability to harness these shifts, which could prove to be the difference between achieving the Paris Agreement goal of net zero by 2050, or not.
Themes explored in this white paper are:
- Consumers aren’t pinning their hopes on governments alone to pave the way to a greener future — businesses and society will have to play their part, too.
- Our daily habits have already changed dramatically. Physical travel and online shopping, in particular, are set to be very different to what they were just over a year ago.
- We are entering the era of the electric vehicle. However, perceived barriers such as a lack of charging infrastructure remain a handbrake on consumer uptake.
- Our work and home lives will never be the same, and many would consider moving house for a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle.
- Cost will continue to be a hot button for households. However, we increasingly value sustainable products and are seeing growing demand for domestic green energy solutions.
We have an opportunity as consumers to drive the clean energy transition forward and capitalize on the benefits our new behaviors could bring. Our predictions for a successful transition include:
- By 2050, our world will be unrecognizable
- Fossil fuels are here to stay… for the time being
- Hydrogen will power our lives
- Sustainability will equal growth
- Carbon capture will move us into ‘sub zero’ territory