World-Class Energy Assessments
This July 2006 report summarizes recommendations for improving the impact of industrial energy assessments. This initiative responds to the observation that less than half of recommended energy improvements are implemented as a result of traditional assessment methods. The need to rethink energy assessment strategies coincides with industry’s greater interest in controlling its energy costs. The Alliance to Save Energy conducted three roundtables at different U.S. locations during the first half of 2006. These events solicited feedback from 80 people, including energy assessment practitioners, representatives from energy-consuming facilities, and government and utility program personnel. All participants in this discussion are interested in promoting industrial energy efficiency and recognize the pivotal role of energy assessments in achieving their goals. The recommendations address the considerations prior to, during, and after an energy assessment. Among this document’s leading conclusions is that the assessment experience need not be confined to a report—it can become a relationship between the assessor and the client facility.