
Corporate Sustainability Goal Setting and Measurement

Companies across all sectors are placing increased focus on sustainability as a tenet of their business practices. GreenBiz Group, in collaboration with Black & Veatch, conducted research to gain a greater understanding of corporate sustainability goals and some of the strategies for achieving those commitments. Read More


Rooting Sustainability in the Business

While a rising number of organizations are appointing Chief Sustainability Officers, many leaders will argue that sustainability must be spread across the organization. That to achieve the business's ESG targets, sustainability must be built into every part of the business. Read More


The Evolution of Corporate Climate Commitments

Organizations around the world are increasingly focused on setting and achieving ambitious GHG reduction targets including net zero emissions, carbon neutrality, and science-based. However, with evolving methodologies and tools, understanding available options and developing a strategy for achieving these targets can be challenging. In this white paper, we will discuss: Read More


A Wave of Investor Interest Spurs ESG Reporting

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria is changing the corporate and investment landscape. In fact, the value of ESG-driven assets now exceeds $41 trillion USD. What does this mean for you? If you can effectively report on ESG, you are more likely to attract investors, customers, and talent – giving you a competitive advantage. Read our latest white paper: “A Wave of Investor Interest Spurs ESG Reporting” to gain insight into the market trends pushing a top-down interest in ESG, so you can improve your ESG program.  Read More


ESGs and Sustainable Value Creation

As the business landscape becomes more complex, the need to standardize environmental, social and governance (ESG) indicators becomes even more critical. The International Business Council’s latest metrics-focused report is designed to accelerate “convergence among the leading private standard-setters and bringing greater comparability and consistency to the reporting of ESG disclosures.” So, the question then becomes: is your organization ready? Read More


Solar Is At A Fork In The Road

Solar energy is the fastest growing form of energy globally, rapidly scaling to meet increased demand. A driving force behind this trend is increased interest in sustainability and corporate ESG goals. As solar becomes a more common component of ESG goals, corporate buyers are faced with a choice that will have dramatic consequences for the future of their supply chains and the solar sector.  Read More


Driving IoT With Wireless Sensor Technology

Did you know that more than 30% of businesses are exploring ways to use energy to support higher growth, greater efficiencies and reduced business risk? The Internet of Things allows energy-consuming devices to communicate in new and powerful ways, but harnessing its true potential requires the right tools.  Read More


Coal-Fired Solar vs. Ultra Low-Carbon Solar

Investors, consumers and employees are increasingly focused on corporate ESG goals. This newfound attention is a universally positive change, helping prioritize sustainability in businesses large and small. As part of their efforts, many CSOs rely on solar and other renewable energy sources to drive progress on their companies’ sustainability goals. With increased attention often comes increased scrutiny. Inadvertent mistakes can trigger a backlash for activities that run contrary to sustainable goals. Remember toilet paper made from cutting old growth rainforests?  Read More


More Than Meets the Eye: Why Developers Should Take a Good Look at Community Solar

Over the past few years, community solar has shown its resiliency as a great source of renewable energy. Recent restrictions and changes in energy use patterns have further highlighted the potential for community solar. For developers and EPCs, community solar offers a great opportunity to deliver lower electricity costs and clean energy to residential and corporate end customers. While the potential for community solar has raised some eyebrows, it’s also no doubt raised some questions: Read More


The 2021 State of Green Business Report

Download a free copy of the 14th annual edition of the State of Green Business report to access the key data and trends to watch in the world of sustainable business. Our world has been rocked on several fronts — a global pandemic, social unrest, the growing ravages of climate change, economic inequality, continued racial strife. The world is turning to big institutions to take on these big challenges and as a result the scope of this year’s report includes both social and environmental issues.  Read More