
Power of Sustainable Packaging Guide

Numbers have shown that in recent years, packaging waste has become more common than ever. If these trends were to continue, it’s estimated that roughly 12 billion metric tons of plastic waste will be in landfills or the natural environment and there may be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans by 2050. Read More


Pathways to Net Zero Emissions

Since the 2018 release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s special report on ways to limit global warming to 1.5°C, which stated the need to reach global “net zero” emissions by 2050, many organizations have either initiated or stepped up their carbon reduction commitments to take action to achieve this goal. But committing to reach net zero emissions and understanding how to undertake that effort are two very different things.  This white paper, Pathways to Net Zero Emissions, will discuss: Read More


The New Era of Reporting: How to Engage Investors on ESG

Corporate sustainability reporting stands at an impasse. A lack of standardization creates a frustrating disconnect between what investors are looking for and what companies are communicating on environmental, social, and governance (ESG). And as the world experiences a pandemic-fueled recession, companies will need to be more deliberate than ever with how, where, and why they invest scarce corporate sustainability resources. Read More


NRG 2020 Report

Insights from the real world: How businesses are tackling climate change and what they’ve learned along the way. Better and more sustainable energy approaches are something everyone can agree on. Getting there, however, provides a wide range of challenges. Now, thanks to a practical new research study just conducted by NRG Energy and GreenBiz Group, you can learn from the experiences of your peers  businesses who have begun taking steps to reach their climate goals.  Read More


How Corporations are Managing Risk, Resiliency and Sustainability Report

Insights from the real world: How businesses are tackling climate change and what they’ve learned along the way. Better and more sustainable energy approaches are something everyone can agree on. Getting there, however, provides a wide range of challenges. Now, thanks to a practical new research study just conducted by NRG Energy and GreenBiz Group, you can learn from the experiences of your peers and businesses who have begun taking steps to reach their climate goals.  Read More


2020 Corporate Energy and Sustainability Progress Report

For anyone involved in the energy and sustainability industry back in 2010, 2020 is hardly recognizable. Changes over the past decade were seismic and the new decade—starting with the global response to the current pandemic—holds even more in store. Disruption is expanding the role of energy managers, digital innovations are transforming programs, and bold commitments are preparing organizations for an uncertain future. Read More


State of the Profession 2020 Report

GreenBiz Group’s sixth State of the Profession report once again takes a look at the evolution of the role of the sustainability leader in today’s business world. As in years past, we conducted an in-depth survey to find out such things as how much they earned, where they worked and what they did in the course of their job. Read More


How Consumer Engagement Can Drive Circularity Report

GreenBiz Research, in partnership with GlobeScan,  engaged 20 experts from around the world to get their views on the pathway to a more circular economy. Read More


The 2020 State of Green Business Report

Download a free copy of the 13th annual edition of the State of Green Business to access the key data and trends to watch in the world of sustainable business. The first half of the report shares the 10 trends sustainable business professionals should be tracking in 2020 — the emerging arenas and technologies that GreenBiz editors and analysts believe will be impactful as companies address environmental and social challenges and opportunities. Read More


GreenBiz Insights: Energy Resilience

The climate conscious often associate the term “resilience” with infrastructure, such as sea walls, stormwater management systems and public transit hubs. But the notion of “energy resilience” is gaining currency as communities and companies contemplate how to align their investments in affordable clean energy with keeping the lights on during turbulent times. Read More