Evaluating the Energy Security Implications of a Carbon-Constrained U.S. Economy
In this paper, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the World Resources Institute examine eight scenarios for technological development and energy use in the United States in 2035. Read More
State of Green Business Report 2009
In the latest edition of this highly acclaimed annual report, Joel Makower and the editors of answer the question: How are U.S. businesses doing in their quest to be greener and more environmentally responsible? It updates the GreenBiz Index, a set of over 20 indicators of progress, tracking the resource use, emissions, and business practices of U.S. companies: carbon, materials, energy, and toxics intensity, clean-tech investments, e-waste recovery, paper use, employee commuting, and more. Read More
State of Green Business 2009
In the second annual State of Green Business report, Joel Makower and the editors of answer the question: How are U.S. businesses doing in their quest to be more environmentally responsible? Read More
Green Electricity: A Buyer’s Guide
This report from the North American Green Purchasing Initiative of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation offers a primer on sourcing renewable energy, including six steps a buyer should follow to purchase green power. Read More
Design for Social Impact: How-To Guide
This guide lays out the principles of design for social impact and offers different modes of engagement that design firms can use to form projects that create positive social change in communities. Read More
Potential Application of Renewable Energy on Brownfield Sites: A Case Study of Michigan
Conversion of brownfields into solar and wind power sites can create jobs and attract investment in addition to enabling expedited development, according to a study by the Land Policy Institute at Michigan State University. Read More
State of the 2009 Sustainable Meeting Industry
This first report looking at the state of sustainable meetings gives an overview of trends and forecasts, with ideas and recommendations for greening meetings. Read More
Defining, Estimating and Forecasting the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Industries in the U.S. and Colorado
This report estimates and forecasts the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries for the U.S. and Colorado, including definition, current size and composition and expected growth under three policy scenarios. Read More
A Blueprint for Legislative Action
The U.S. Climate Action Partnership extensive report detailing recommendations for a federal cap and trade emissions reduction program and complimentary actions. Read More
Assessment of Achievable Potential from Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Programs in the U.S.
This report from the Electric Power Research Institute details the achievable potential for electricity energy savings and peak demand reduction from energy efficiency and demand response programs through 2030. Read More