About the session

What’s covered

Join us to learn how Amazon, Scope Zero, and PlanetFWD  are leveraging innovation to help customers, companies, and employees transition to more-sustainable products. With over 100 million consumers switching to sustainably certified products since 2021, Amazon’s Climate Pledge Friendly program is unlocking innovation to help shoppers discover products with reduced environmental impacts  Hear from senior leaders at Amazon Business on how their “guided buying policy” is being used by more than 50,000 companies globally to meet ambitious sustainable procurement targets.Finally, we’ll discuss how to empower employees to reduce their carbon emissions through creative new vehicles like the Carbon Savings Account, and supply chain data through platforms like PlanetFWD.

This session is sponsored by Amazon. Sponsored breakouts are sponsor-created and hosted sessions, created independently by the sponsor without input from Trellis. Please note that attendee contact information will be shared with the sponsoring company.

Location Grand Canyon 4-5, Marriott

Session type Breakout

Tracks Comms with Integrity