About the session

What’s covered

As climate companies begin scaling their solutions from pilots to first-of-a-kind (FOAK) projects, they confront significant financial and systemic barriers, known as the “commercialization valley of death.” This breakout will feature two panel discussions focused on bridging the commercialization gap, highlighting the necessary financial structuring and the role of corporate partnerships for supply, plant construction, and offtake.

Panel 1: 9:30-10:15 am

Speakers: Uuganbayar Otgonbaatar (Exelon), Shreya Dave (Via Separations), Lara Pierpoint (Trellis Climate) moderated by Vanessa Chan, Chief Commercialization Officer and Director of the Office of Technology Transitions, U.S. Department of Energy

The first panel will provide a bird’s eye view of the FOAK capital gap and solutions from different ecosystem stakeholders, including a startup, a large company, and capital providers. 

Panel 2: 10:15-10:45 am

Speakers: Etosha Cave (Twelve) & Courtney Unruh (Alaska Airlines) moderated by Trellis Climate Managing Director Lara Pierpont

The second panel will dive deep into a case study around structuring offtake and securing financing, featuring Twelve, a growth stage startup company producing sustainable aviation fuel, and their corporate offtaker, Alaska Airlines.

Location Meeting Room 212A-C, Convention Center

Session type Panel, Workshops

Tracks Startups

Topics Deployment Strategies/ Finance