About the session

What’s covered

While the steps to decarbonizing aviation are crystalizing, the industry still faces headwinds on its path to net zero emissions.

Many airlines have a flight path to decarbonize by 2050 through a combination of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), efficiency improvements and alternative fuel solutions. However, uncertainties in financing, resource availability including the impacts on food and crop resources as certain SAF relies on bio-based feedstock and technological advancements are impeding the industry’s transition. Join for a conversation that dives into the unique market conditions hindering decarbonization across the industry, insights that might help unlock hurdles for other hard-to-abate sectors, and what companies with corporate air travel emissions can do to spur the sector forward.

Location Meeting Room 210E, Convention Center

Session type Breakout, Interview, Panel

Tracks Energy/ Transport

Topics Finance/ Food/ State of the Market