About the session

What’s covered

As sustainability reporting shifts from voluntary to mandatory, the responsibility for corporate sustainability is expanding into the finance office. This shift can be overwhelming for sustainability and finance leaders alike, who become jointly responsible for measurement, reporting, and decarbonization efforts. This panel will address how to structure your organization to streamline reporting and become more effective at driving progress. You’ll hear from companies with strong cross-functional partnerships on topics including:

  • Practical steps to align sustainability goals with financial planning
  • Methods for developing a collaborative approach and delineating ownership
  • How to ensure compliance becomes a catalyst for sustainability progress


This session is sponsored by Watershed. Sponsored breakouts are sponsor-created and hosted sessions, created independently by the sponsor without input from Trellis. Please note that attendee contact information will be shared with the sponsoring company.

Location Grand Canyon 2-3, Marriott

Session type Breakout

Tracks Confident Disclosure