Mini-workshop: Connecting Climate and Nature to Accelerate Progress (Sponsored Lunch)
What’s covered
Science points to the need for companies to work toward climate mitigation and nature resilience at the same time. But most companies don’t know where to start or are overwhelmed by these simultaneous aims. In this mini-workshop, participants will explore their company’s nature strategy, whether it has yet to be developed or has implementation insights for review. We will cover UN global aims, their business value, and practical steps for companies to protect, restore, and better manage natural resources. Using the Planet-Forward Playbook, a proven framework, we’ll show how companies can align with climate and nature goals and identify actionable next steps.
This lunch is sponsored by Pure Strategies. Sponsored lunches are sponsor-created and hosted sessions, created independently by the sponsor without input from Trellis. Please note that attendee contact information will be shared with the sponsoring company.
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