About the session

What’s covered

As corporate climate commitments approach critical deadlines, the clean energy sector faces increasing challenges in project deployment, driven in part by resistance from community stakeholders. This opposition is often rooted in the exclusion of communities from decision-making processes, insufficient direct benefits, a history of mistrust, and a legacy of “development as usual” at the expense of community stakeholders.

With shortening time horizons, and the urgency of climate action intensifying, companies have the opportunity to improve successful deployment of clean energy projects by engaging community stakeholders as authentic partners to co-create project plans and construct equitable benefits.

This session will present a case study for creating equitable community benefits through clean energy procurement. The panel will feature diverse perspectives, including a corporate clean energy buyer, an energy developer, a nonprofit philanthropy, and a community-based organization. Together, they will share insights on the essential strategies, partnerships, and practices needed to create a sustainable and just future.

Location LL21C, Convention Center

Session type Panel

Tracks CEBA/ Energy

Topics Just Transition