About the session

What’s covered

Nearly one in four carbon credits retired from the voluntary carbon market have been for compliance uses under domestic carbon pricing frameworks. This trend is only set to increase as compliance carbon markets continue to ramp up. Hear what the next five years hold for compliance carbon markets, which carbon pricing schemes will permit offsets from carbon removal projects, and how the continued convergence of carbon markets will impact companies and voluntary carbon buyers.

Speakers will discuss:

  • Article 6 of the Paris Agreement
  • CORSIA (Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation)
  • Domestic carbon pricing, including the EU ETS (Emissions Trading Scheme), Singapore’s carbon tax, California’s cap and trade, and more

Advanced Perspectives sessions are open to all. The content goes deep, catering to those with 5+ years in a decision making role on the topic.

Location Grand Sonoran G, Marriott

Session type Breakout

Tracks Decarbonize and Drawdown

Topics Advanced Perspectives