About the session

What’s covered

Electricity growth is on the rise, thanks in large part to the rise of AI and the electrification of everything. In this session, experts will discuss the intersection of these power-hungry sectors, and what it means for a  sustainable future. Join stakeholders from across industries to hear  their perspectives on where energy markets are headed, what regions are most impacted, and where we can go from here. Topics will include how to address reliability, resiliency and cost management. Bring your questions to this lively discussion!

This session is sponsored by Constellation. Sponsored breakouts are sponsor-created and hosted sessions, created independently by the sponsor without input from Trellis. Please note that attendee contact information will be shared with the sponsoring company.

Location Grand Sonoran C-B, Marriott

Session type Breakout

Tracks Decarbonize and Drawdown/ Transforming Value Chains