Anne Kelly
Vice President, Government Affairs
Anne leads the Ceres Policy Network, Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy (BICEP). BICEP is a coalition of 80+ leading companies advocating for meaningful climate and energy policy at the state and federal levels. Anne is a registered lobbyist and is actively engaged on Capitol Hill on behalf of Ceres and BICEP member companies. Anne is an environmental lawyer with twenty-five years of public and private sector experience. In the 1990s, she directed the Massachusetts Environmental Strike Force—a team of legal and engineering professionals charged with bringing high-profile civil and criminal actions through the Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General. Anne has taught environmental law courses at Boston College Law School, Suffolk University, and Tufts University. In addition to her law degree, Anne holds a master’s in public administration from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and is a fellow in the American College of Environmental Lawyers (ACOEL).