Ariel Meyerstein
Before joining US Bank he was a director of community investing and development for Citi, where he led the implementation of its Action for Racial Equity, a $1.1 billion commitment of strategic initiatives and investments across diverse Citi businesses and functions aimed at helping to close the racial wealth gap. His other roles at Citi include senior vice president, sustainability and ESG where he drove climate change impact strategy, including net zero target setting. Prior to his time at Citi, Ariel led multilateral policy engagement on behalf of U.S. companies as vice president of labor affairs, corporate responsibility, and corporate governance at the United States Council for International Business. Prior to this policy role, he held multiple legal roles, including as legal adviser for the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, a judicial clerk for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit and an associate in international dispute resolution in global law firms.
He has a doctorate in jurisprudence and social policy from University of California, Berkeley, a juris doctorate from University of California, Berkeley, and a bachelor’s degree from Columbia University. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Opportunity Finance Network, helping co-chair its sustainability committee. He has been a Term Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a participant in several multi-stakeholder advisory bodies for the U.S. government on responsible business conduct and has published widely on human rights and sustainable finance. In addition, he taught sustainability and corporate responsibility at Fordham Law School for several years and has been a guest lecturer in many leading law schools and business schools. He lives in Washington, D.C. with his wife and two young children.