Eloiza Domingo
success. Eloiza has extensive experience leading strategic initiatives in HR, patient care, culture, diversity, equity, and
inclusion, with expertise in uncovering untapped market potential and enhancing brand reputation across global
healthcare, academia, pharmaceuticals and finance. She is sought-after as a speaker, ambassador and expert in
developing and leading sustainable improvements within complex global systems.
Currently, Eloiza is the Founder and CEO of FourTen, helping organizations transform cultural challenges into business
growth and brand success. With over two decades of thought leadership and critical business improvements, Eloiza
guides clients in bridging organizational goals with community insights, integrating authenticity, compassion, and
storytelling to build trust with employees and consumers and drive meaningful change. Previously, as Vice President of
Human Resources and Chief Inclusive Diversity & Equity Officer at The Allstate Corporation, Eloiza led strategic
initiatives to advance the company’s culture of Inclusive Diversity & Equity (IDE) and established a cross-enterprise
governance council. She played a crucial role in shaping a comprehensive IDE plan to drive impact within and beyond
the organization and achieved annual representation goals within two quarters. She also testified before the U.S.
Congress in 2022 as Chief Diversity Officer, highlighting Allstate’s commitment to industry-wide equity.
In her prior role as Executive Director and Global Head of Engagement, Diversity & Inclusion at Astellas Pharma, Eloiza
led the development and execution of a five-year strategic plan focused on improving diverse talent, established the
inaugural D&I Governance Council, and implemented a comprehensive HR metrics reporting process to drive
transparency and accountability. These achievements helped Astellas make the Best Place to Work for Disability
Inclusion 2020 list, reach high rankings on Working Mother’s prestigious lists, and Astellas’ eight consecutive perfect
scores with Human Rights Campaign.
Before that, as Senior Director and Deputy Chief Diversity Officer at Johns Hopkins Medicine and The Johns Hopkins
Health System Corporation, Eloiza orchestrated new business opportunities by finding underserved markets for the
system’s medical facilities and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Chief among her work was
spearheading the launch of the Center for Transgender Care—a pioneering health center catering to transgender
patients, families, and allies – which earned a Diversity innovation award. This accomplishment and her unmatched
leadership helped propel Johns Hopkins Medicine to Forbes’ Top 100 Places to Work list.
Eloiza holds an M.S. in higher education and student affairs with a minor in counseling and concentration in diversity in
Law and a B.A. in psychology and sociology with a minor in Spanish from Indiana University in Bloomington, IN. Her
honors include being named a 2022 ICON by the Congressional Black Caucus, the Motion Picture Association, and ICON
Talks. She was also honored as a 2022 Top Chief Diversity Officer by the National Diversity Awards, recognized as a
“Most Influential DE&I Officers of 2022” by HR Digest, and named one of the Most Influential Filipinas in the World by
Filipina Women’s Network.